Tax Forms

If audited, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts requires the seller to have a correctly filled out Form 01-339 Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate. Without it correctly filled out, the seller could end up owing sales taxes that should have been collected from the buyer in addition to penalties and interest.

King Scott will be requesting all customers to complete this form and have it on file in order to be exempt from paying sales tax. Without this form on file the customer is responsible for paying sales tax.

This form is two pages and can be located at Most businesses will complete the first page. Page two is for non-profit organizations and municipal governments. If you currently do not have a tax-exempt number from the State of Texas, you can also apply for one at
Beginning January 1,2023, King Scott, Groomer Supply Depot LLC will require all customers who make tax free purchases to have the Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate on file.

Download the form here: Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate
Fill it out and email it to